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Painting Portfolio

As part of my practice, half of all proceeds go to Peckham Platform. We can work to uplift our social arena as we work to uplift ourselves as individuals within it. 

Prior to selling the oil paintings below in established settings, I take photos of the artwork in unusual places. Then due to this permanent record of their momentary, odd curation, I use the snapshots to question what makes art valuable. I work with local businesses and community centres to hang up the pieces within or out front of their facilities.

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Tesco Meal Deal: £3.40 Now

Oil, glitter, metal on wood

70 cm x 40 cm


I Am Rich and Famous

Oil, glitter, metal on wood

50 cm x 10 cm


I am rich and famous final copy (me) 2.jpg
EditedDerksen_Annika_DSC_4965_2 copy.jpg

David and Goliath

Oil, glitter, metal on wood

18 x 90 cm




If We Are All Just Flesh And Bone

Oil, glitter, metal on wood

40 x 60 cm


Young Girl Stares At Sexy, Hot Blonde Online


Oil and glitter on wood

36 x 19 cm



Get It Before It's Gone

Oil, glitter, metal on wood

4 x 3 feet



Full portfolio available upon request


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